Fogolar Association di Winnipeg 60th Anniversary


Equal Opportunities West wants to extend a thank you to the Fogolar Association di Winnipeg for donating half of the proceeds from their upcoming event to benefit our Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program!


The event, which takes place on Oct. 26, 2019 at Centro Caboto Centre, is a dinner that includes food and wine from the Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Veneto regions of Italy. Celebrity chef Gianni Ceschia will lead attendees through a cooking demonstration and show them how to make real Italian cuisine they will be able to enjoy after.


Tickets for the event are $125 each and can be purchased by contacting Robert Fabro (204-962-8084), Roberta Novel (204-837-6089) or AnnaMaria Toppazzini (204-981-4880).


For more information on the event, visit

Added: Tue September 10th 2019


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